Using a BBFC Classification for Film & TV Listing Services and Other Uses

This page contains information on how to use the BBFC’s age rating symbols. The symbols should only be used to advertise the correct BBFC rating of BBFC-classified content.

Please get in touch with our Central Services team to request a password to download a zip file with symbols for theatrical use, and for use on video on demand platforms. 

Please note the 12A symbol may only be used for theatrical releases. The 12 symbol may only be used for packaged media and VOD.

Displaying the symbols on printed materials

We recommend that on all printed materials the symbols be displayed at a minimum of 14.8mm (meaning that the lettering or numbering in the symbol will be a minimum of 4mm) with an exclusion area of ⅓ of their height - please make sure that all the symbols you use in your printed material are the same size.

Displaying the symbols online

Our symbols are scalable for use online and can be displayed at a variety of sizes without loss of clarity or readability - we recommend that the symbols be displayed at 30px height (minimum of 24px), that they be easy to find and that they always be shown before the final call to action (e.g. purchasing tickets online).

Download the symbols