Published: 9th March 2021

What to talk to your kids about after watching Hidden Figures

Are you planning on watching Hidden Figures with your kids? Here's the age rating, information about what's in the film, and some ideas for topics to talk about once the credits roll.

Hidden Figures is a drama, based on true events, about a group of African-American women who were hired by NASA for their skills in mathematics to be a part of America's space programme in the 1960s.


The film portrays the racial divisions in America at the time, with segregated facilities for black and white personnel, and black people being held back from progress and promotion. Although no overtly abusive racist language or behaviour is shown, terms such as 'negro' and 'coloured' are employed by both black and white characters as matter-of-fact expressions. There are also examples of gender discrimination, again reflecting the attitudes of the time.


There is mild bad language ('bastards'). Very mild bad language includes uses of 'damn', 'Jesus Christ' and 'God'.

There is also mild tension when a spacecraft suffers a technical malfunction that places an astronaut in danger.

Topics to talk to your kids about after watching Hidden Figures

  • Did you enjoy the film? How did the film make you feel? Were there any bits of the story that you didn’t like?
  • Who was your favourite character? Did you learn anything from the film? If so, what?
  • Do you agree with the BBFC age rating? What about the info for parents? Would you add or remove anything? Is it helpful to know about what is in a film before you watch it?
  • The film is set during a time in America when black and white people were separated and black people were treated unfairly. What do the characters experiences tell you about racism during the time?
  • Dorothy has to stand up for herself and other women in the film. Why do you think it’s important for her do to this? Can you think of a time you had to stand up for yourself and others?
  • In the film Dorothy has an interaction with a police officer when her car breaks down. How does she react and why? Do you think her response would be the same today?
  • Did you see any other characters in the film stand up for Katherine, Mary and Dorothy? How important do you think it is that they had support from their colleagues?
  • The women in the film have a huge impact in the space science industry. How important do you think it is that young women hear their story today?
  • What can you, as a young person, do to help people break down barriers and be recognised for their hard work?