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Why do you think the distributor wanted to produce a trailer that has a lower classification than the 15 rating?


Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut rips apart the gross-out teen movie rule book by having two female protagonists at the centre of the narrative. The film is rated 15 for strong sex references, language, sex and drug misuse. These classification issues are quite typical of the genre and are unlikely to challenge audience expectation. However, this trailer for the film is not as strong and doesn’t raise the same kind of classification issues as the main feature.

Take a look and see what classification issues you can spot in the trailer. Why do you think the distributor wanted to produce a trailer that has a lower classification than the 15 rating?  Think about the extent to which the trailer challenges audience and genre expectations. 

Remember that the BBFC is a little stricter when rating trailers as opposed to features. This is because trailers are exhibited to audiences in an unbidden context.

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