Published: 3rd July 2013

Improvements to the online theatrical booking calendar


Following recent customer feedback the online theatrical booking calendar has been improved to allow a more efficient and accurate customer experience.


Customer feedback has indicated that the online booking calendar would show availability for a certain day, but would not accept their booking due to the run time exceeding the daily limit. To combat this issue, the BBFC has: 

  • Changed the booking calendar to show the exact available minutes remaining for each viewing day.
  • Fixed minor glitches that customers were experiencing with the calendar.

Accurate run times

In order for these changes to have maximum benefit to our customers it’s important that the run time supplied for a booking is accurate. This will allow us to maximise our theatre time, allowing more works to be seen each day. Please note that failure to provide an accurate running time +/- 10 minutes may result in you losing your booking slot and a cancellation fee of £100 + VAT being charged.

These changes will go live from 4 July 2013.

If you have any questions relating to either of these service improvements, please email or call 020 7440 0299.