• Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Antonio Ardolino, Ciara Hanna, Jordan Roberts


Waking Up Dead

strong language, sex, sex references, drug misuse, suicide references

WAKING UP DEAD is a US comedy in which a failing actor becomes frustrated with his life until he gets a callback for the next big television series.

WAKING UP DEAD is a US comedy in which a failing actor becomes frustrated with his life until he gets a callback for the next big television series.

Use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('cock', 'bitch') and milder terms such as 'ass', 'dick', 'balls' and 'God;.
There are occasional sequences of strong sex without genital nudity. Strong sex references are frequent and include comic mentions of 'necrophilia' and a couple exchange 'dick pics', however the nudity is blurred out.
There are scenes of drug misuse such characters snorting cocaine as well as preparing and injecting heroin. Characters also vape marijuana. A man experiences are drug overdose and there are verbal references to drug addiction and overdoses. Drug misuse is not condoned by the film as a whole and the negative outcomes of it are clearly seen throughout.
suicide and self-harm
A man attempts to take his own life by hanging.
References are made to transphobia and an unpleasant woman expresses ableist views. A man recalls being abused and neglected by his drug addict mother. In an isolated scene of violence, a man is punched in the face resulting in moderate bloody injuries. Natural buttock nudity occurs and emotional upset is prevalent due to bereavement and mental health struggles.
  • Director(s)


  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Antonio Ardolino, Ciara Hanna, Jordan Roberts

strong language, sex, sex references, drug misuse, suicide references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Bounty Films
Use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('cock', 'bitch') and milder terms such as 'ass', 'dick', 'balls' and 'God;.
There are occasional sequences of strong sex without genital nudity. Strong sex references are frequent and include comic mentions of 'necrophilia' and a couple exchange 'dick pics', however the nudity is blurred out.
There are scenes of drug misuse such characters snorting cocaine as well as preparing and injecting heroin. Characters also vape marijuana. A man experiences are drug overdose and there are verbal references to drug addiction and overdoses. Drug misuse is not condoned by the film as a whole and the negative outcomes of it are clearly seen throughout.
suicide and self-harm
A man attempts to take his own life by hanging.
References are made to transphobia and an unpleasant woman expresses ableist views. A man recalls being abused and neglected by his drug addict mother. In an isolated scene of violence, a man is punched in the face resulting in moderate bloody injuries. Natural buttock nudity occurs and emotional upset is prevalent due to bereavement and mental health struggles.
  • Classified date


  • Language
