• Director(s)

    Paul Crowder

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Brian Allendorfer Bobby Speed Baldock, Bryon Beck


The Blue Angels

very mild bad language, threat, upsetting scenes

THE BLUE ANGELS is a US documentary film which follows a newly recruited team of pilots as they train to be part of a top class Navy and Marine Corps flight squadron.

THE BLUE ANGELS is a US documentary film which follows a newly recruited team of pilots as they train to be part of a top class Navy and Marine Corps flight squadron.

threat and horror
Pilots pass out as they experience increasing G-force during training sessions in a centrifuge machine; all are seen making quick recoveries. Sequences of very mild threat include aerial manoeuvres that appear to be at risk of going wrong or that result in near misses; however, these moments all have reassuring resolutions.
There is occasional very mild bad language ('butt').
There are undetailed references to the deaths of Blue Angel squadron members over the years, with some focus on the most recent of these, in 2016, when a pilot died in a training disaster. We see brief clips of news footage and memorial events as pilots commemorate their lost colleague, but there is no visual detail of the actual incident. This sequence is brief and sensitively presented.
A news report refers to the tragic death of a pilot in training. Mourners are shown crying and holding candles at a vigil. The film features very mild bad language ('butt'). 
  • Director(s)

    Paul Crowder

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Brian Allendorfer Bobby Speed Baldock, Bryon Beck

very mild bad language, threat, upsetting scenes
Classified Date:
Imax Corporation
threat and horror
Pilots pass out as they experience increasing G-force during training sessions in a centrifuge machine; all are seen making quick recoveries. Sequences of very mild threat include aerial manoeuvres that appear to be at risk of going wrong or that result in near misses; however, these moments all have reassuring resolutions.
There is occasional very mild bad language ('butt').
There are undetailed references to the deaths of Blue Angel squadron members over the years, with some focus on the most recent of these, in 2016, when a pilot died in a training disaster. We see brief clips of news footage and memorial events as pilots commemorate their lost colleague, but there is no visual detail of the actual incident. This sequence is brief and sensitively presented.
very mild bad language, threat, upsetting scenes
Classified Date:
Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
threat and horror
Pilots pass out as they experience increasing G-force during training sessions in a centrifuge machine; all are seen making quick recoveries. Sequences of very mild threat include aerial manoeuvres that appear to be at risk of going wrong or that result in near misses; however, these moments all have reassuring resolutions.
There is occasional very mild bad language ('butt').
There are undetailed references to the deaths of Blue Angel squadron members over the years, with some focus on the most recent of these, in 2016, when a pilot died in a training disaster. We see brief clips of news footage and memorial events as pilots commemorate their lost colleague, but there is no visual detail of the actual incident. This sequence is brief and sensitively presented.
A news report refers to the tragic death of a pilot in training. Mourners are shown crying and holding candles at a vigil. The film features very mild bad language ('butt'). 
  • Classified date


  • Language
