• Director(s)

    Koldo Serra, Julián de Tavira

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Thriller

  • Cast

    Vicky Luengo, Hovik Keuchkerian, Celia Freijeiro

TV Show

Red Queen (Reina Roja)

RED QUEEN (REINA ROJA) is a Spanish crime thriller series; in this episode, Jon is partnered with Antonia to support her investigation work as Carla's kidnapper makes contact.

RED QUEEN (REINA ROJA) is a Spanish crime thriller series; in this episode, Jon is partnered with Antonia to support her investigation work as Carla's kidnapper makes contact.

  • Director(s)

    Koldo Serra, Julián de Tavira

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Drama, Thriller

  • Cast

    Vicky Luengo, Hovik Keuchkerian, Celia Freijeiro

strong injury detail, suicide references
Classified Date:
suicide and self-harm
There are scenes of suicide ideation.
injury detail
Scenes of strong violence include a bloody throat slashing and a man slashing a horse; while the wound to the animal is hidden from view, there is sight of spurting blood. A woman has an impressionistic vision of a body being drained of blood. A murder victim is found frozen with half of its head cut off, revealing sight of brain matter inside; there is more frozen brain matter and an eyeball visible in a nearby bowl. A woman picks spikes from her bare feet, with close up sight of strong bloody injury detail.
additional issues
Scenes of strong threat include a terrified woman being menaced in a car and later chased through woods by a masked man intent on kidnapping her. A character panics when she seems to hallucinate that a monkey is attacking her in a car. There is strong language ('motherf**ker'. 'f**k') along with milder terms which include 'shit', 'ass', 'asshole', 'damn' and 'hell'. There are verbal references to prescription drug addiction and amphetamine misuse. There are comic sex references along with mention of sex work and pimps. A woman suggests a man's life is made more difficult because he is gay.
strong threat, language, injury detail
Classified Date:
threat and horror
A terrified, distressed woman is repeatedly menaced and threatened with torture by her kidnapper. He bangs the door of her cell aggressively to deprive her of sleep and cuts her hair against her will. There are tense scenes during a high speed car chase and moments of gun threat.
There is strong language ('motherf**ker', 'f**k'), along with milder terms which include 'shit', 'ass', 'asshole', 'cojones', 'son of a bitch', 'hell' and 'damn'.
injury detail
There is sight of a dead body with a bloody neck wound and blood over clothing; we also see the dead body of a horse. There is sight of a woman's bloody foot injuries.
additional issues
There are brief verbal sex references and fleeting sight of a sex toy, as well as undetailed references to prescription drug use. A man uses the term 'queer' in a homophobic way. A person attacks two pedestrians by driving a car at them.
strong threat, injury detail, language
Classified Date:
threat and horror
Frightened female characters are kept prisoner by a male kidnapper; they are threatened with torture and it is implied that one has already experienced this at his hands. A woman is kidnapped by a man posing as a taxi driver, who drugs her in his car. A woman has frightening visions of being attacked by monkeys during a panic attack; flashbacks reveal she was subjected to experimentation which involved electrocution and forced use of unspecified drugs.
There is strong language ('f**k') along with milder terms which include 'whore' and 'damn'.
injury detail
A character has a vision of a murder victim with part of their head cut off, leaving brain matter visible. There is sight of a woman's bloodied, injured feet and of blood over a woman's face in the aftermath of implied violence.
additional issues
There is use of the homophobic term 'fag', but this is condemned within the episode. A woman tells another that she has been repeatedly raped by her kidnapper, but does not go into detail. A person uses fictional pills to control panic attacks in which she has hallucinatory visions. A woman who does not like to be touched is physically restrained by a man. There are verbal references to a murder victim being bled to death and a man slaps another in the face. A man scrolls through mildly sexualised images of men on his phone as he looks at a dating app.
strong language, threat
Classified Date:
threat and horror
Women are held captive and menaced by their kidnapper; one is subjected to sleep deprivation torture by having blinding lights flood her cell; she later fears that she will be hung on a meathook in her cell and bled to death.
There is strong language ('motherf**ker', 'f**k') along with milder terms which include 'shit', 'asshole', 'ass', 'damn' and 'hell'.
additional issues
There are undetailed verbal references to a woman having been raped. A man looks at mildly sexualised images of other men on a dating app and there are undetailed verbal references to masturbation. A man holds a pornographic magazine, but there is no nudity visible on the cover. There is use of the homophobic terms 'fag' and 'faggot', but these are condemned within the episode. We briefly see moderate bloody injuries, but not in close detail. There are brief, undetailed verbal references to suicide.
strong injury detail, violence, threat, language, sexual threat
Classified Date:
A character crushes the finger of another with pliers, resulting in blood spurting. A character enters a school building and shoots several staff members dead. A bomb blast kills a number of people, sending them flying across rooms. There are verbal references to the domestic abuse a man experienced as a boy at the hands of his father.
threat and horror
A woman being held captive is terrorised in her cell by her kidnappers; she is subjected to sleep deprivation. There are scenes of gun and bomb threat. Frightened schoolchildren watch as their teacher is shot dead in their classroom; the murder itself occurs off-screen.
There is strong language ('motherf**ker', 'f**k') along with milder terms which include 'pussy', 'shit', 'bastard', 'asshole', 'ass', 'cojones', 'damn' and 'hell'.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A woman implies she manipulates her father by having sexual relations with him. A woman strokes the face of another, who is her captive, and licks at her cheek in a sexually threatening manner; she makes suggestive remarks about incestuous sexual relationships as she does this. There are verbal references to implied child sexual abuse.
injury detail
There is close-up sight of a woman's face being scorched and bloodily shredded open by a bomb blast; a man's leg is blown off in the same explosion and there is a brief close-up on the injury, with blood and bone visible. There is sight of blood over bodies and clothes in the aftermath of this violence, as well as of dead bodies.
additional issues
We see drawings of violent and demonic images in the notebooks of a disturbed man and there are verbal references to mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. There are undetailed verbal references to suicide.
strong injury detail, threat, violence
Classified Date:
A man is shot in the head, resulting in a blood spurt and bloody aftermath detail. Characters are injured in a car crash. Female characters slap men in the face. There are undetailed references to implied domestic abuse experienced by a man when he was a child. There are verbal references to the murder of teaching staff in a school.
threat and horror
A woman being held captive is aggressively shouted at and intimidated by her kidnappers; they talk about killing her and causing her a slow death. A terrified young boy is also held captive; he is tied to a pipe and threatened with murder. There are impressionistic scenes of threat as a woman is menaced by bats and sinks into quicksand in a dream sequence. A child is briefly threatened with being shot, but this does not happen.
There is infrequent strong language ('f**k') as well as milder terms which include 'shit', 'ass' and 'damn'.
injury detail
A woman's face is left partly covered in blood in the aftermath of a car crash; there is repeated sight of this and later close up detail of a gash on her forehead as it is being stitched up. There is sight of blood pools and spurts in the aftermath of violence. We see a woman's bloody foot injury in close-up as she dresses her wounds.
additional issues
Characters are briefly seen smoking marijuana. A man paralysed by a stroke asks to be allowed to die, but appears to change his mind after forging a bond with another character.
strong violence, language, injury detail
Classified Date:
A woman stabs a man in the eye, then pushes the weapon in further. People are shot and stabbed, resulting in spurts of blood.
There is use of strong language (‘motherf**ker’) as well as milder terms (‘bitch’, ‘shit’, ‘ass’, ‘frickin’, ‘God’, ‘damn’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Christ’).
injury detail
A man removes a shard of sharp material from his eye, causing blood to spill from the resultant wound.
additional issues
People are threatened by enemies with guns and knives, explosions, and also fantastical creatures attacking them during hallucinatory sequences. A reference is made to marijuana plants, without detail. Undetailed references are made to mental health issues a person suffers, leading them to have visions when they do not take medication. A man’s buttocks are seen briefly during a comic scene.
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  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.

  • Language
