• Director(s)

    Sam Leifer

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Tom Basden, Jon Pointing, Tom Rosenthal, Ryan Sampson


Plebs - Soldiers Of Rome

strong language, violence, sex, sex references, sexual violence references

PLEBS - SOLDIERS OF ROME is a feature-length special from the UK comedy series PLEBS in which three hapless civilians in Ancient Rome decide to join the army.

PLEBS - SOLDIERS OF ROME is a feature-length special from the UK comedy series PLEBS in which three hapless civilians in Ancient Rome decide to join the army.

There are scenes of battle violence featuring sword slashings, stabbings and beatings, with occasional blood spurts and aftermath bloody detail, including sight of severed heads mounted on poles. Although presented in a comic context, the battlefield violence and its aftermath is impactful and bloody. There are also scenes of milder slapstick violence.
There is strong language ('f**k'), as well as milder terms such as 'twat', 'bitch', 'cock', 'prick', 'jizz', 'pussy', 'dick', 'arse', 'arsehole', 'bloody', 'shit', 'tits', 'bollocks', 'bastard', 'bugger', 'knob' and 'hell'.
A woman rides and thrusts on top of a man, but without strong detail. There are comic references to a man "fingering a lion" and a shepherd having sexual relations with a sheep.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are comic references to rape and pillage being a benefit of war, which makes a male character apprehensive and he attempts to establish that taking any advantage of captured enemy women will be with their consent.
There is comic threat. There is moderate rude humour.
  • Director(s)

    Sam Leifer

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Tom Basden, Jon Pointing, Tom Rosenthal, Ryan Sampson

strong language, violence, sex, sex references, sexual violence references
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
RLJE International Ltd
There are scenes of battle violence featuring sword slashings, stabbings and beatings, with occasional blood spurts and aftermath bloody detail, including sight of severed heads mounted on poles. Although presented in a comic context, the battlefield violence and its aftermath is impactful and bloody. There are also scenes of milder slapstick violence.
There is strong language ('f**k'), as well as milder terms such as 'twat', 'bitch', 'cock', 'prick', 'jizz', 'pussy', 'dick', 'arse', 'arsehole', 'bloody', 'shit', 'tits', 'bollocks', 'bastard', 'bugger', 'knob' and 'hell'.
A woman rides and thrusts on top of a man, but without strong detail. There are comic references to a man "fingering a lion" and a shepherd having sexual relations with a sheep.
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are comic references to rape and pillage being a benefit of war, which makes a male character apprehensive and he attempts to establish that taking any advantage of captured enemy women will be with their consent.
There is comic threat. There is moderate rude humour.
  • Classified date


  • Language
