• Director(s)

    Jason Woliner

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Paul T. Goldman, Melinda McGraw, Christopher Stanley

TV Show

Paul T. Goldman

PAUL T. GOLDMAN is a US comedy series; in this episode, with the show's release approaching, Paul is presented with a different perspective on his story.

PAUL T. GOLDMAN is a US comedy series; in this episode, with the show's release approaching, Paul is presented with a different perspective on his story.

  • Director(s)

    Jason Woliner

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Paul T. Goldman, Melinda McGraw, Christopher Stanley

infrequent strong language, moderate sex references
Classified Date:
There is infrequent strong language ('f**k') along with milder terms which include 'shit', 'crap', 'damn' and 'hell'.
A man is briefly seen walking through what appears to be a sex shop, with out-of-focus images of women in states of undress and adult magazine covers fleetingly visible in the background; no nudity or sexual detail is visible. There is a brief implied thrust as we see the filming of a couple finishing simulated sexual intercourse as part of behind-the-scenes footage; there is no nudity, and the activity largely occurs beneath covers.
additional issues
There are brief images of an explosion and armed law-enforcement officers raiding a home. A woman flings a folder at a man. There are undetailed verbal references to an elderly woman suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
strong sex references
Classified Date:
Crude sex references include mentions of beastality, a wide-spread prostitution ring and oral sex. A woman is alleged to have had sex with over 1000 men in her time as a sex worker.
additional issues
Infrequent strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('hooker'), and milder terms, such as 'bastard', 'shit', 'hell' and 'God'. There is also mild rude humour.
strong sex references, language
Classified Date:
Use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('hooker', 'pussy'), and milder terms, such as 'dick', 'shit', 'ass' and 'frickin''.
There are strong sex references including mentions of pornography, sex work and sex toys. A man is seen going into a pornographic video shop. In a reenactment, a man negotiates with a pimp over the price of a sex worker.
additional issues
A brief mention is made to paedophiles. A man hires people to stalk his wife in order to uncover information about her.
strong language, sexual violence references
Classified Date:
Use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('hooker'), and milder terms, such as 'ass', 'bullshit' and 'God'.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A reenactment shows a doctor sexually harassing and coercing a patient to have sex with him; however, the scene cuts off before any sexual activity takes place. The writer of the scene seemingly condones the doctor's behaviour because the patient is a sex worker. Verbal references are made to the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls.
additional issues
There are moderate sex references, such as mentions to sex workers, pimps and madams. A boat explodes.
infrequent strong language, moderate references to sex and sexual abuse
Classified Date:
Infrequent strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('wanker', 'hooker') and milder terms such as 'shit', 'ass' and 'damn'.
References are made to sex work, pimps and sex workers.
sexual violence and sexual threat
Verbal references are made to the sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls. In a reenactment, a man waits in a bar for a sex worker and when she arrives, he believes she is underage and being exploited.
additional issues
Moments of unrealistic threat and violence occur in reenactments of events. A man has fake cuts and bruises to his face in the aftermath of one of these incidents.
strong sex references, sexual violence references
Classified Date:
There are frequent verbal references to sex work, pimps and madams. We see sight of a photograph of woman, reported to be a sex worker, holding her clothed breasts in a provocative fashion. There is a reenactment of a man picking up a sex worker in a bar.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A teenage girl tearfully tells a boy that she was gang raped by her boyfriend and his friends. Verbal references are made to the increasing sex trafficking of women and girls across the world. A woman says that traffickers are looking for younger and younger children to exploit. A man makes callous comments about the look and smell of the women and girls when they are 'delivered' to the traffickers. A man admits to stalking his wife and taking photographs of her with other men.
additional issues
Use of moderate bad language ('hooker' and 'slut') is accompanied by milder terms, such as 'bastard', 'crap', 'bullshit', 'piss' and 'God'. Scenes of recreated moderate violence include a man being shot with small bloody aftermath detail. References are made to the alleged murder/suicide of a couple.
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  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Lionsgate UK Ltd / Lionsgate International (UK) Ltd - (HE)

  • Language
