• Director(s)

    Victoria U Bell

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Fantasy, Horror

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Victoria U Bell, Ben Holtzmuller, Sophia Vandy


Heir Of The Witch

strong gory violence, domestic abuse, nudity, language, horror, suicide

HEIR OF THE WITCH is a US supernatural horror film in which a shy seamstress is tormented by a curse that afflicts the female members of her family.

HEIR OF THE WITCH is a US supernatural horror film in which a shy seamstress is tormented by a curse that afflicts the female members of her family.

There are scenes of strong grisly violence and resultant injury detail. For example, an evil entity in the form of a bare-breasted woman tears a man apart, resulting in sight of sprays of blood, chunks of flesh, and the victim’s severed head. Another person is supernaturally compelled to repeatedly stab their own leg with a pair of scissors, with strong bloody detail. Further bloody images occur when a witch cuts a living baby out of the belly of a recently dead woman. A flashback shows a child witnessing her father repeatedly punching her mother, leaving her face bloodied and bruised.
threat and horror
A frightened woman is menaced by a malevolent entity with a demonic appearance and an eerie, distorted voice. There are disturbing flashbacks to an occult ritual involving human blood.
There is use of strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’). Milder terms include ‘bitch’, ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘dick’, ‘asshole’, ‘ass’ and ‘shit’.
suicide and self-harm
There is a prolonged sequence in which a heavily pregnant woman takes her own life.
There is a scene of sexualised breast nudity when a witch partially undresses in order to seduce a man, before murdering him in bloody fashion.
A woman learns that she has been tricked by supernaturally-induced delusions into sexually abusing a man who is unable to consent due to a learning disability; however, the sexual abuse is not depicted on screen, and the visual and verbal references are infrequent and non-graphic. There is also a moderate scene establishing off-screen sex, as well as moderate verbal sex references.
  • Director(s)

    Victoria U Bell

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Fantasy, Horror

  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Victoria U Bell, Ben Holtzmuller, Sophia Vandy

strong gory violence, domestic abuse, nudity, language, horror, suicide
Classified Date:
Trinity Creative Partnership Ltd
There are scenes of strong grisly violence and resultant injury detail. For example, an evil entity in the form of a bare-breasted woman tears a man apart, resulting in sight of sprays of blood, chunks of flesh, and the victim’s severed head. Another person is supernaturally compelled to repeatedly stab their own leg with a pair of scissors, with strong bloody detail. Further bloody images occur when a witch cuts a living baby out of the belly of a recently dead woman. A flashback shows a child witnessing her father repeatedly punching her mother, leaving her face bloodied and bruised.
threat and horror
A frightened woman is menaced by a malevolent entity with a demonic appearance and an eerie, distorted voice. There are disturbing flashbacks to an occult ritual involving human blood.
There is use of strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’). Milder terms include ‘bitch’, ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘dick’, ‘asshole’, ‘ass’ and ‘shit’.
suicide and self-harm
There is a prolonged sequence in which a heavily pregnant woman takes her own life.
There is a scene of sexualised breast nudity when a witch partially undresses in order to seduce a man, before murdering him in bloody fashion.
A woman learns that she has been tricked by supernaturally-induced delusions into sexually abusing a man who is unable to consent due to a learning disability; however, the sexual abuse is not depicted on screen, and the visual and verbal references are infrequent and non-graphic. There is also a moderate scene establishing off-screen sex, as well as moderate verbal sex references.
  • Classified date


  • Language
