• Director(s)

    Hassan Ghazi

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Frank Bruno, Lenox Lewis, Nigel Benn

TV Show

Four Kings

FOUR KINGS is a British documentary series; in this episode, the rivalry between Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank is explored.

FOUR KINGS is a British documentary series; in this episode, the rivalry between Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank is explored.

  • Director(s)

    Hassan Ghazi

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Frank Bruno, Lenox Lewis, Nigel Benn

infrequent strong language, boxing violence, racism, sex references
Classified Date:
Boxing matches are seen, during which competitors trade crunchy blows to the face and body, occasionally resulting in bloody wounds appearing on their opponent's faces.
There is infrequent use of strong language (‘f**k’) as well as use of milder terms such as ‘shit’, ‘balls’ and ‘ass’.
A person comically discusses attending an orgy, though gives little detail, and there is brief sight of a sexualised image on a poster.
There is infrequent use of a racist term (‘n****r’). References are made to historic racism, including in clips of protests taking place and when a man describes the death of a family member which he believes was a result of racist violence. Discrimination is very clearly called out and condemned.
additional issues
There are references to death and bereavement. People are seen smoking cigarettes.
boxing violence, injury detail, drug & racism references, strong language
Classified Date:
Footage from real boxing matches feature exchanges of heavy punches to bodies and heads, and fighters being knocked down.
There is infrequent clear use of strong language (‘f**k’), as well as implied uses (‘eff’, ‘effing’). Milder bad language includes uses of ‘piss’ and ‘bullshit’.
There are references to racism in the boxing world and in wider society, with the murder of Stephen Lawrence being cited as an example. In the build-up to a fight between two Black boxers, one accuses the other of being an ‘Uncle Tom’ which causes significant hurt and resentment. Discrimination is not endorsed by the work as a whole.
A person smokes a joint briefly, which he claims is for medicinal purposes. There are also verbal and visual references to cocaine misuse. Drug misuse is not condoned by the work as a whole.
injury detail
There are upsetting images of fighters lying unconscious in the ring after sustaining critical head injuries during fights, and verbal references to their medical conditions.
additional issues
There are infrequent mild sex references.
boxing violence, injury detail, drug, racism and sex references
Classified Date:
Footage from real boxing matches feature exchanges of heavy punches to bodies and heads, and fighters being knocked down.
There is implied strong language (‘effed up’), as well as milder terms such as ‘bastard’, ‘shit’ and ‘hell’.
There are undetailed references to sex workers and orgies.
A boxer recalls racism in his childhood, and being called ‘n****r’ and 'Black bastard’. In the build-up to a fight between two Black boxers, one accuses the other of being an ‘Uncle Tom’ which causes significant hurt and resentment. Discrimination is not endorsed by the work as a whole.
There are verbal and visual references to cocaine and marijuana misuse. Drug misuse is not condoned by the work as a whole.
injury detail
There are upsetting images of fighters lying unconscious in the ring after sustaining critical head injuries during fights, and verbal references to their medical conditions.
There are references to mental health, which include an undetailed comment by a man about his past mental vulnerability leading to suicidal thoughts.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
suicide references, boxing violence, injury detail, references to racism
Classified Date:
Scenes of real sporting violence depict boxers exchanging impactful blows during matches, with limited bloody aftermath detail.
References are made to a man being subjected to a racist slur (‘Uncle Tom’) and to the hurt this subsequently caused him. However, discrimination is clearly not condoned by the work as a whole.
injury detail
A boxer is shown slumped unconscious in a critical condition following a heavy blow to the face. References are made to the boxer sustaining a severe brain injury and undergoing rehabilitation.
suicide and self-harm
A man recounts his past suicide attempt. However, there is a focus on receiving support for his mental health.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
additional issues
References are made to a man being admitted to hospital under the Mental Health Act. People discuss the mental health benefits of participating in sport. Brief and undetailed references are made to childhood bullying. There is use of very mild bad language ('hell').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Banijay UK Productions ltd t/a Workerbee

  • Language
