• Director(s)

    Alex Lykos

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Alex Lykos, Gil Ben-Moshe, Janette Lakiss


Disconnect Me

infrequent strong language, moderate sex references, drug references

DISCONNECT ME is an Australian documentary in which a filmmaker experiments by giving up his smartphone and internet access for 30 days.

DISCONNECT ME is an Australian documentary in which a filmmaker experiments by giving up his smartphone and internet access for 30 days.

There is infrequent use of strong language (‘f**k’). Milder terms include ‘bullshit’, ‘arse’, ‘bloody’, ‘crap’, ‘hell’, ‘damn’, ‘Christ’ and ‘God’.
There are brief and undetailed verbal references to teenagers ‘sexting’ and sending ‘explicit images’ to their peers.
A comic sequence imagining Pablo Escobar as head of the US Drug Enforcement Administration features a photoshopped image of bags of cocaine on sale in the aisle of a supermarket.
There are undetailed references to reported links between smartphone use and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and OCD. Another section discusses the link between social media and negative body image and eating disorders among teenage girls; however, this issue is handled in a sensitive and verbally discreet manner. Non-graphic references to warfare include brief black-and-white images of wreckage in the aftermath of an air raid, and a short CG animated sequence in which walking drones fire guns, all without visible casualties. We see brief mild images of diseased bodily tissue as depicted in cigarette warning labels. Other issues include occasional references to online bullying and gambling, both of which are clearly criticised.
  • Director(s)

    Alex Lykos

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Approx. running minutes


  • Cast

    Alex Lykos, Gil Ben-Moshe, Janette Lakiss

infrequent strong language, moderate sex references, drug references
Classified Date:
Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment
There is infrequent use of strong language (‘f**k’). Milder terms include ‘bullshit’, ‘arse’, ‘bloody’, ‘crap’, ‘hell’, ‘damn’, ‘Christ’ and ‘God’.
There are brief and undetailed verbal references to teenagers ‘sexting’ and sending ‘explicit images’ to their peers.
A comic sequence imagining Pablo Escobar as head of the US Drug Enforcement Administration features a photoshopped image of bags of cocaine on sale in the aisle of a supermarket.
There are undetailed references to reported links between smartphone use and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and OCD. Another section discusses the link between social media and negative body image and eating disorders among teenage girls; however, this issue is handled in a sensitive and verbally discreet manner. Non-graphic references to warfare include brief black-and-white images of wreckage in the aftermath of an air raid, and a short CG animated sequence in which walking drones fire guns, all without visible casualties. We see brief mild images of diseased bodily tissue as depicted in cigarette warning labels. Other issues include occasional references to online bullying and gambling, both of which are clearly criticised.
  • Classified date


  • Language
