• Director(s)

    Yoshiyuki Asai

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Landon McDonald, David Matranga, Emi Lo

TV Show

Buddy Daddies

BUDDY DADDIES is a Japanese anime series; in this episode, two assassins who live as roommates take in a child after their latest assassination job is hindered.

BUDDY DADDIES is a Japanese anime series; in this episode, two assassins who live as roommates take in a child after their latest assassination job is hindered.

  • Director(s)

    Yoshiyuki Asai

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)


  • Cast

    Landon McDonald, David Matranga, Emi Lo

strong violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media
Strong violence includes shootings with blood spurts and aftermath sight of dead bodies.
additional issues
There are scenes of gun threat, kidnappings, references to human trafficking, and use of mild bad language ('bullshit').
strong violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media
Strong violence includes shootings with blood spurts and aftermath sight of dead bodies.
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language ('shit', 'crap', 'frickin''). There are also mild references to sex.
strong injury detail, violence, domestic abuse
Classified Date:
Physical media
During a car fight there is use of a broken bottle to slice a man's cheek, and punches with blood spurts. It is implied a man is violent towards his son and killed his dog. In another scene, a mother talks about enjoying slapping her child and abandoning her.
injury detail
There is strong injury detail of a dead dog, a dead body and a young boy in blood stained clothes.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('ass', 'son of a bitch', 'bastard').
mild bad language, violence
Classified Date:
Physical media
There are comic and undetailed references to gun violence. A girl comically headbutts a man in the chest.
Mild bad language ('ass', 'crap') is accompanied by even milder terms ('freaking', 'hell', 'damn', 'screw up').
additional issues
A girl appears upset after finding it difficult to make friends at school. However, this issue is reassuringly resolved. There is also a scene of cigarette smoking.
mild bad language, threat, violence references
Classified Date:
Physical media
There are references to assassins killing a child's father.
threat and horror
Character's worry their child has been kidnapped, they are reunited soon after.
There is use of mild bad language ('pissed') and milder terms ('damn').
additional issues
There are references to a man being a womaniser.
moderate threat
Classified Date:
Physical media
threat and horror
An armed villain attempts to steal food from children and threatens them. He is soon disarmed by nearby adults. In another scene a shoplifter is hit by a rock when attempting to push a child.
additional issues
A father worries his daughter will have a boyfriend as a teenager, and imagines them embracing. There is use of mild bad language ('crap', 'shit') and milder terms ('damn', 'hell').
moderate threat, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media
threat and horror
There is an explosion which impliedly kills a character's loved one. There are also chase scenes, shootouts and a carjacking.
injury detail
An injured character with bloodstained clothes collapses on the ground.
additional issues
There is use of mild bad language ('crap', 'bastard', 'ass', 'frickin') and milder terms ('damn', 'hell'). There are shootouts, and a group of thugs throw a man on the ground.
strong violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media
There are shootings with blood spurts and knife slashes.
injury detail
There are images of dead bodies with blood stained clothes in the aftermath of violence. In another scene a character falls from a tall building and is found laying in a pool of blood.
additional issues
There is mild bad language ('crap', 'ass') and milder terms such as 'hell'.
mild bad language
Classified Date:
Physical media
There is use of mild bad language ('bastard') and milder terms ('hell').
additional issues
Mother's at a daycare event tell two men that they have crushes on them.
mild threat, violence references
Classified Date:
Physical media
There are references to characters killing child's father.
threat and horror
A man falls off the side of a building in the aftermath of fight sequence.
additional issues
There are scenes where a drunk woman becomes upset and smashes bottles. There is use of very mild bad language ('hell').
strong violence, bloody images
Classified Date:
Physical media
There is a scuffle between two armed assassins. A man is lifted up by the throat and shot in the shoulder. A man digs his thumb into a characters bullet wound. In another scene a woman is shot off-screen and held up by her hair.
injury detail
There is injury detail of a dying woman laying in a pool of blood.
strong violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media
During a fight sequence, a man falls onto a bladed weapon, resulting in sight of a blade impaled through his neck. This is accompanied by gushes of blood and strong bloody aftermath detail. Other moments include shootings with accompanying large blood spurts.
additional issues
Mild bad language ('ass', 'bastard', 'crap', 'son of a bitch') is accompanied by even milder terms ('damn').
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Crunchyroll Limited

  • Language
