• Director(s)

    Toby Haynes

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Adventure, Drama

  • Cast

    Diego Luna, Kyle Soller, Stellan Skarsgård

TV Show


ANDOR is a sci-fi fantasy series; in this episode, Cassian becomes a wanted man as he searches for leads to find his sister.

ANDOR is a sci-fi fantasy series; in this episode, Cassian becomes a wanted man as he searches for leads to find his sister.

  • Director(s)

    Toby Haynes

  • Production Year


  • Genre(s)

    Action, Adventure, Drama

  • Cast

    Diego Luna, Kyle Soller, Stellan Skarsgård

moderate violence, threat
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Two men attack a man, in a scene that includes punches and an attempted strangling. A man is shot dead; however, there is no strong detail.
threat and horror
There is a scene of gun threat.
additional issues
There is an undetailed reference to a sex worker.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
There is moderate fantasy violence when men attack some young natives of a primitive planet using laser guns. They defend themselves using bows and arrows. In one scene, a man shoots a young woman, killing her.
additional issues
The episode features mild bad language ('bastard'). A group of young people grieve the death of their friend.
moderate injury detail, fantasy violence, threat
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Characters are shot dead during fantastical shoot-out sequences.
threat and horror
There are scenes of gun threat and a sequence in which two men are nearly crushed by collapsing metal chains.
injury detail
There is some focus on a series of dead bodies on a wrecked spaceship. In another scene, a woman has blood over half of her face, implying that she was beaten by the men who arrested her.
additional issues
The episode features mild bad language ('bastard' and 'shit'). 
mild violence, threat, language
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Mild violence includes exchanges of laser gun fire and people being thrown into the air by explosions, but there is no sight of injuries.
threat and horror
There is mild gun threat.
There is mild bad language (‘bastard’, ‘ass’), as well as very mild terms (‘hell’).
infrequent moderate threat
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
threat and horror
One person suddenly grabs another and holds a knife to their throat. The situation is defused without injury, however.
additional issues
There is infrequent use of mild bad language (e.g. ‘ass’). One person slaps another. There are also brief, non-graphic verbal references to a person having taken their own life off screen.
moderate violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A man slams another's head against a console and then attempts to strangle him in a sustained fight scene. There are slaps and shoves. Characters are shot in cold blood with fantastical beam weapons. A man threatens to hit his son if he refuses to do as he is asked.
additional issues
There is infrequent mild bad language ('bastard'). There are scenes of gun threat and a man threatens another with a blade in one brief sequence. Spaceships chase and fire upon one another. Two women overhear male soldiers making sexist remarks. There is brief sight of mild injury detail.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A person is strangled against a wall by a fantastical enemy. People are shot with laser guns and fall down dead. A man's body is briefly seen hanging after it is implied he is executed.
additional issues
People are threatened with guns. Blood is briefly seen on the side of a woman's head.
moderate fantasy violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Prisoners are fantastically harmed with electricity as a warning to comply with the prison's rules. Other violence includes a robot briefly strangling a man against a wall. It is implied a man has been tortured off-screen for information.
additional issues
A woman is chased and caught by enemies, after which she is threatened with torture. In the aftermath of a death, a group wonders if the victim took his own life.
moderate threat, violence
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Characters are tasered by guards. A prisoner punches another inmate in his stomach.
threat and horror
An antagonist interrogates a character and uses a sonic torture device to force them to divulge information. This includes brief focus on the victim's distress, as well as unsettling verbal references to the massacre of an alien race.
additional issues
A medic uses a fantastical medical device to euthanize an elderly character who has suffered a stroke. This scene features undetailed sight of a dead body.
moderate violence, threat
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
There are bloodless shootings, use of tasers and a security system which electrocutes prisoners.
threat and horror
There is a prison riot, and scenes in which characters have weapons held to their heads.
additional issues
A deceased person in a body bag is moved out of a prison. A villainous character attempts to persuade a woman to pair off her teenage daughter with his son.
moderate injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
injury detail
There is brief close-up sight of a person's bloodstained injured foot.
additional issues
The episode contains mild threat and violence, including an aerial dogfight. There are also very mild verbal death references.
moderate violence, injury detail
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
A crowd revolts against armed guards. Characters are struck in the head and tasered. There are also beatings, masked shootings, stabbings and use of explosives and fantastical weapons.
injury detail
There is sight of blood and dead bodies in the aftermath of violence.
additional issues
A villainous character attempts to persuade a woman to set up her teenage daughter to his son. There are themes of bereavement and scenes in which characters are pursued by villains and threatened with weapons.
Please note: each rating can only be used for the distribution method listed in the Use column. For more information on each Use click here.
Classified Date:
Physical media + VOD/Streaming
Elevation Sales Ltd BVHE
  • Classified date


  • Distributor

    Elevation Sales Ltd BVHE

  • Language
