The BBFC is pleased to announce that Sainsbury’s Entertainment is now licensed to use BBFC ratings and symbols for films available to stream on demand or download.
Sainsbury’s Entertainment parental controls also work in line with the BBFC’s well known age rating categories of U, PG, 12, 15 and 18. This allows parents to decide whether to password protect access to any film content age rated PG, 12, 15 or 18.
Sainsbury’s Video On Demand service launched in May and allows the public to buy or rent movies to watch immediately on their computer or an Apple device. The service provides access to over 400 movies available to stream or download, often on the same day they are available on DVD.
DVDs and Blu-ray discs available to buy online at Sainsbury’s Entertainment also carry BBFC age ratings.
David Cooke, BBFC Director, said: ‘We are very pleased to announce Sainsbury’s Entertainment as the latest platform to feature BBFC age ratings. In 2011 we asked the public whether they wanted to see BBFC age ratings on video on demand platforms and 85% said they consider it important to have consistent classifications available for film downloads. This figure rises to 90% amongst those with children under 16. By adopting BBFC age ratings Sainsbury’s Entertainment is taking an important step in meeting this high public demand for recognisable and trusted age ratings.’
The BBFC’s service for streamed and downloaded content was launched in collaboration with the home entertainment industry in 2008. The service provides trusted age ratings, category symbols and BBFCinsight information (previously known as consumer advice) to set-top box, video-on-demand and other online content providers.
When Creative Industries Minister Ed Vaizey opened the BBFC’s international film classifiers conference in November last year, he praised the BBFC for their work with the home entertainment industry to bring well understood and trusted BBFC age ratings and content advice to films streamed online.
All films submitted to the BBFC for DVD and Blu-ray release are automatically given an age rating for use on digital platforms, making it easier for the home entertainment industry to provide consistent age ratings for their customers. Film content released online only can also be submitted to the BBFC for a digital age rating under the BBFC’s Watch & Rate service.